Conservancy wins National Grant for Nanticoke Conservation

十大赌博正规老平台协会制定和协调的一项保护建议已获得国防部100万美元的拨款,用于保护南提科克河走廊的土地, 这是帕塔克森特河海军航空站大西洋试验场的一部分. 该奖项是在2014年准备和环境保护整合计划挑战(REPI)下颁发的,也是今年仅有的两个奖项之一, and one of only three since the REPI Challenge began.

十大赌博正规老平台协会的提议包括保护超过2个,000 acres containing a high biodiversity of flora and fauna, priority working lands, 以及对帕塔克森特河海军航空站的持续运作至关重要的地区.

帕塔克森特河海军基地是海军首要的飞机研究基地, Development, Test, and Evaluation facility and relies on the land, air, 和大西洋测试靶场的海上范围来执行任务. 通过“再生能源倡议挑战赛”获得的土地将有助于减少噪音和安全问题, 并防止代价高昂的培训和测试限制和延误.

In coordination with the REPI Challenge, 海军航空站已被确定为联邦哨兵景观的决赛. The Sentinel landscape program is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. 美国内政部、美国鱼类和野生动物管理局(USFWS)以及国防部. 哨兵景观主要是工作或自然土地,在这些土地上,保护主要景观的工作和农村特征可以加强农场的经济, ranches, and forests; conserves habitat and natural resources; and protects vital test and training missions conducted on those military installations. 如果海军航空站选择帕塔克森特河作为哨兵景观, 支持基地的区域(包括南焦走廊)将受到更多关注, and potentially resources, from the USDA, USFWS, and Department of Defense. 

Joel Dunn, executive director of the Chesapeake Conservancy, 他指出,南提科克河是切萨皮克湾支流中最不发达的河流之一,该流域已有数千英亩的土地受到保护.

However, Dunn said, “保护走廊是支离破碎的,十大赌博正规老平台协会的南焦倡议, which the REPI grant will help support, is a plan to fill in missing pieces, 特别是具有生态意义的财产,也可能为公众提供约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道, and protect the Atlantic Test Range.”

To carry out the project, NAS Patuxent River will work with the Chesapeake Conservancy, the USFWS, The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Maryland and Delaware departments of natural resources, The Conservation Fund, and The Nature Conservancy. REPI的100万美元奖金将与这一合作伙伴关系的贡献比例超过5:1. The goal is to protect 2,259 acres of forests, wetlands, and farmland, as part of the Chesapeake Conservancy’s broader 8,500-acre wildlife corridor Nanticoke Initiative.

南焦公司的倡议得到了山岳山脉的慷慨支持. Cuba Center and the Longwood Foundation. 该倡议的大规模保护方法对于防止景观破碎和在海平面上升的情况下允许物种和栖息地的迁移至关重要, 这一点尤其重要,因为南蒂科克流域被认为是美国最脆弱的地区之一, trailing only Louisiana and Southern Florida.

Ann C. Rose, President of the Board of the Mt. Cuba Center, said the conservation corridor includes diverse habitats, 包括罕见的干沙脊森林和大西洋白杉木非潮汐湿地. “这个项目将有助于保持测试范围的可行性,同时也保护了稀有植物群落和Nanticoke的景观,” Rose said, adding, “Mt. Cuba Center, which has a particular interest in rare plants, was pleased to provide funding that will support this effort.”

In all, 124 rare, threatened, and endangered plant and animal species, including the federally endangered Delmarva Fox Squirrel, have been identified within the conservation corridor. 该地区也是南蒂科克重要鸟类区和国际重要的切萨皮克湾河口拉姆萨尔遗址的一部分, 为大量迁徙水禽和新热带候鸟提供服务.

Prior to this award, 保护协会与其合作伙伴共同保护了通过南提科克河保护走廊倡议确定的130多英亩土地. In February, 保护协会与特拉华州自然资源和环境控制部(DNREC)合作,保护了伯特利以西114英亩的生态敏感栖息地, DE. In June, the Conservancy partnered with DNREC, The Conservation Fund, 以及南提科克河流域保护协会,以保护17条河流.7 acre Chapel Branch Nature Area Moore Tract. 该物业将归南提科克河流域保护协会所有,为该土地创建的地役权将由DNREC持有. 马里兰州自然资源部部长乔·吉尔说:“马里兰州在南提科克走廊上进行了大量投资, 景观不仅有丰富的自然栖息地和生物资源, 但也有丰富的历史和文化,我们的国家和它的土著人民. 我们期待着通过REPI项目在成功的基础上再接再厉,该项目使我们能够与十大赌博正规老平台协会等组织合作开展重要的保护活动, The Conservation Fund, and other state and federal partners.”

About the Chesapeake Conservancy:
十大赌博正规老平台协会的使命是加强人们与流域之间的联系, 保护景观和特殊的地方,维持切萨皮克独特的自然和文化资源, 鼓励人们将切萨皮克河作为国宝进行探索和庆祝. For information, visit